Our Law Firm
Our Law Firm does not offer the Customer “legal services” but “legal care assistance” precise and scrupulous.
When we assist the entrepreneur we work in synergy with Accountants, Labor Consultants, Forensic IT, Investigators, Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service (RPPS).
When we assist employees and managers, we work with psychologists, occupational physicians, workers’ representatives for health and safety.
We prefer teamwork as we believe that the best results are obtained contaminating professional skills.
We have gained experience in University Institutes and Study Centers of excellence and live the legal profession as a continuous search for the best solution, without neglecting the tax and social security profiles.
We dedicate great effort and energy to Studies and projects, guaranteeing continuous updating and deepening in labor law matters.

Our Law Firm
Our Law Firm does not offer the Customer “legal services” but “legal care assistance” precise and scrupulous.
When we assist the entrepreneur we work in synergy with Accountants, Labor Consultants, Forensic IT, Investigators, Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service (RPPS).
When we assist employees and managers, we work with psychologists, occupational physicians, workers’ representatives for health and safety.
We prefer teamwork as we believe that the best results are obtained contaminating professional skills.
We have gained experience in University Institutes and Study Centers of excellence and live the legal profession as a continuous search for the best solution, without neglecting the tax and social security profiles.
We dedicate great effort and energy to Studies and projects, guaranteeing continuous updating and deepening in labor law matters.